¥1,980 税込
なら 手数料無料の 翌月払いでOK
Y. & SONSのシンボルを刺繍したオリジナルの腰紐。
『富士』を象徴する角文字 の『山』には、「無事になす」という願いを込めて。
素材 本体 毛100%
刺繍糸 レーヨン100%
長さ 210cm
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※ It's subject to the tax exemption
From the Y. & SONS original collection
This item is a "Koshi-Himo" or Waist Tie, used for securing the Kimono and Nagajuban (Under Kimono).
When you put on the kimono, you tie the Koshi-Himo to keep it secure. Above this, you then tie the more decorative Obi.
In Japan, It is said that if your first dream of the year includes Mt. Fuji or a Hawk, you will have no troubles in the following year. Therefore in this waist tie we have included the symbol of the Mountain.
Main body material : 100% wool
Embroidery thread: 100% rayon
¥1,980 税込